
  • フリートーク
  • 文法(Grammar)
  • 発音(Pronunciation)
  • Business
  • JLPT
  • 作文(Essay)
  • 日本語センス(Cultivate Japanese sense)
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • スピーチ
  • 会話上達
HobbyBooks Music Movies Health Sports Cooking Travel News
English LevelUpper-advanced
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.


Take the lesson,
Make it happen! 
One stop solution by certified Japanese teacher for what you need to learn Japanese with fun.
from relaxed conversation to exam preparation, teenager to elderly, beginners to business level


Free talk *new vocablary / expressions explained! : 450 pt
Please book from the calendar on the leftside, below the profile picture
Special Lessons:
*Grammar training using textbooks /Specific  theme/ proofreading *650 pt

Please book from → here 
=textbooks such as GENKI, MARUGOTO,etc., or practice on your chosen grammatical points
*please inform me which text book you have at the time of your booking. 

=Proofreading (academic thesis, application essay, motivation letter)

*Theme talk (on your selected theme/articles) *550 pt
Please book from → here 

★Difference between Free Talk(390pt) and Theme Talk(510pt)★
=Theme Talk=
You (student) choose an article in advance and send it to me (teacher).
I will read the article and check important vocabulary and grammar before the lesson.
= Free Talk =
Neither the student nor the teacher prepares in advance. Just enjoy casual conversation! 

*Scroll down for Japanese. 
*Check out my voice message at the bottom of the profile page! 

=My history=
Konnichiwa, Hi, Guten Tag! My name is Chizuru. Nice to e-meeting you!!! 
I am from Tokyo, then lived in Seattle (USA)  and London. Now I am living in Frankfurt, Germany since 2006. Therefore I speak English, German, and ... Japanese, of course! 

I am a certified Japanese teacher, over 15 years of teaching experience in 3 countries. I am teaching at local community college in Germany as well. 

I enjoy having conversation in Japanese with foreign students, regardless of any levels / interests. I have experience all levels, from beginers to advanced, and from young teenage students to business persons.

Therefore, do not hesitate to `click` to contact with me! 
It is my pleasure to talk with you and give you new vocablary and natural expression which is perhaps you do not learn from the text book! 

こんにちは。Hi, Guten Tag! 
わたしは とうきょう から きました。シアトル(アメリカ)とロンドン(イギリス)に すんだことがあります。いまはフランクフルト(ドイツ)に すんでいるので、えいご と ドイツご を はなすことが  できます。

わたしは 外国人(がいこくじん)への日本語(にほんご)の先生(せんせい)の資格(しかく)をもっています。

わたしは 日本語学習者(にほんごがくしゅうしゃ)と 話す(はなす)ことが大好き(だいすき)です。すべてのレベル ー 初心者(しょしんしゃ)から上級者(じょうきゅうしゃ)、ティーンエイジャーからビジネスパーソンまでの経験(けいけん)があります。

ですから、遠慮(えんりょ)しないで`クリック‘ してください!

★★★Lesson in 2024:★★★ 

Free talk 450pt  -Enjoy conversation! 

Theme talk 550 pt Click and book here  - conversation on your wished theme 
Japanese food, travel experienc e, J-pop, movies,current news issues, your personal concerns, life in Japan, etc. 
★Japanese in workplace (job interviews, polite conversation on the job)

Special lessons using textbooks /grammar training(650pt)   click and book here! 

★Lesson using textbooks
For those who would like to learn for more structural way, and to be prepared for the JLPT examination using one of those text books you have below.
Please inform me the text book you have and the lesson you would like to work on.

☆Textbooks for the Beginners -intermediate
Minna no nihongo みんなのにほんご1,2
Japanese for busy people 1,2,3,
Genki げんき 1,2
Marugoto まるごと A1,A2 りかい

☆Textbooks for Intermediate
中級を学ぼう 中級前期、中期

☆German textbooks
Japanisch im Sauseschritt 1,2,3 
Japanisch, bitte ! neu A1-A2

★Proofreading (e-mail, letters, thesis, essay, etc. Also 600pt)
I am good at writing. My essay was on the ASAHI newspaper (Japanese TOP newspaper) a couple of times. One of my carreer was formulating press release statement and editing company magazine of Japanese major trading house.  I majored in creative writing at Waseda university and my graduation thesis was a novel of my own (140 pages). 
So, trust me, I will make your writing more impressive!! 

★★★わたしのレッスン 2024年★★★

★フリートーク 450PT 自由(じゆう)に話(はな)しましょう。

★テーマトーク 550PT  こちらから予約→here


スペシャルレッスン 650pt   こちらから予約

☆Textbooks for the Beginners -intermediate
Minna no nihongo みんなのにほんご1,2
Japanese for busy people 1,2,3,
Genki げんき 1,2
Marugoto まるごと A1, A2 りかい

☆Textbooks for Intermediate
中級を学ぼう 中級前期、中期

☆German textbooks
Japanisch im Sauseschritt 1,2,3 
Japanisch, bitte ! neu A1-A2


あなた(生徒)ーー 事前に記事を選んで私(先生)に送ってください。
先生 ーーーーーー レッスン前に記事を読み、重要な単語や文法をチェックしておきます。

★Difference between Free Talk and Theme Talk★

=Theme Talk=
You (student) - You choose an article in advance and send it to me (teacher).
TeacherーーーーI will read the article and check important vocabulary and grammar before the lesson.

= Free Talk =
Neither the student nor the teacher prepares in advance.Just enjoy casual conversation! 

I enjoy teaching with passion and make conversation with the people from different countries. Let me know of your specific theme you would like to learn in the lesson. With my long and wide range of experience, I can offer you your desirable lesson!! 

♪♪♪My personal interests♪♪♪
tennis, badminton, Ikebana (Japanese flower arrangemnet), playing piano (especially classics of so-called Roman, around 1830... Chopin, Mendelssohn, etc.), reading books (variety of theme, such as from Yakuza documentary to Haruki Murakami :). 
Since my student days, traveling is also my passion. At my university days, I joined in youth-exchange programm and visited Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei-Darussalam, and Philippines. I was travelling in Southeast Asia with back pack. I also joined youth-exchange program supported by Japanese government and made friends with Southeast Asian students. I learned Thai language that time(sadly I can not remember it anymore...).
Now I travel in Europe a lot, taking advantage of the location of where I live now. And I still miss USA, where I stayed as an exchange student!! 

♪♪♪ My strength ♪♪♪
I have also business experience about 15 years working for Japanese major trading firm, chemical company, and advertisement company in administration department. Not only working as an employee, I have also teaching experience to local staff of Japanese major game company located in Germany, and helped them to communicate with Japanese people.
Therefore, I am familier with what you have to be aware in business scenes and Japanese way of polite communication. Also, I can support business letters (e-mail), job application, interview practice, and business manners, etc.

Of course, I would be very happy to make casual conversation with you on variety of themes as well!!

♪♪♪ わたしの好き(すき)なこと ♪♪♪
旅行(りょこう) ー 学生時代(がくせいじだい)に東南(とうなん)アジアの若者交流(わかものこうりゅう)プログラムで2か月間(にかげつかん)タイ、マレーシア、シンガポール、インドネシア、ブルネイ、フィリピンを訪問(ほうもん)。そのあと、友達(ともだち)とバックパックでタイヤマレーシアを旅行(りょこう)しました。

♪♪♪ わたしの強み(つよみ)♪♪♪

★★★I am already excited to see you at the lesson!!! ★★★




    ・Chizuru先生 is very calm, which makes me feel relaxed during lessons. She explains things clearly and sometimes speaks English to help me better understand the lesson. She also gives context as understanding Japanese culture is a very important part of learning Japanese. She comes to the lesson prepared and I'm really grateful for her patience as my fluency and overall communication skills still need a lot of work.
    ・ちづる先生 was so kind, patient, and helpful.




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  • マークは予約よやくできます。予約するときはマークをクリックしてください。
  • カレンダーの上の時間を基準に時刻は表示されています。
  • 時刻は24時間表記です。
  • 通常キャンセルはレッスン開始24時間前まで受け付け可能です。

