日本語で日記を書いてみよう! Let's write a diary in Japanese!

The purpose of this lesson is to improve expressions and conversation skills by writing a diary in Japanese, practicing to exchange e-mails in Japanese, posting to SNS, and making conversation smoother.

One lesson500pt
You can bookuntil 2時間 before.

Lesson Description

Write in Japanese, as everyday events can be written in short sentences. Writing frequently used expressions while also reading and writing in kanji little by little.

For beginners: Write simple sentences with hiragana and katakana.

Intermediate to advanced users: Write sentences using kanji and idioms.

The flow of lesson 
If your diary is completed, please send it to my Skype before our lesson starts.
If you have not completed yet, please think about what you want to write before our lesson starts.

I will correct mistakes and suggest improvements during our lesson.

I will send corrected sentences to your Skype after the lesson.
※I will send you feedback by next night.


Teacher すみれ's schedule



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  • mark shows that the booking slot is open. Please click the mark for booking.
  • 24-hour notation

Teacher すみれ's other lessons

新聞を読んで発音の練習や漢字・ボキャブラリーを学ぶ。 記事についてディスカッションをして会話力を高める。 You will learn Japanese and Kanji, pronunciation, and expand vocabulary through the use of articles and other materials. Together we will work on improving your speaking skills through conversation and discussions. after we read the article we discuss it

Teacher すみれ

履歴書やレポートなどの添削を行います。 間違いの訂正や、より良い表現の提案をします。予約したら必ずレッスン開始前にSkypeに添削したい文章を私のSkypeに送信してください。 The correction of sentences of Japanese sentences, and the suggestion of better expressions to improve the quality of your resume, report or document. If you booked your lesson, please sure to send your sentences to my Skype before our session begins.

Teacher すみれ

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.