
  • フリートーク
  • 発音(Pronunciation)
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • スピーチ
  • 会話上達
  • 悩みを聞きます
  • ながらトーク
HobbyHealth Sports Cooking Food Travel News
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.


Hi, I'm Miyuki, a native Japanese.
I welcome those students


Business person who have struggled with Japanese business skills (presentations, reports, e-mails, and manners)  ← Special lesson 600Pt

★ Free writing for business I correct of your article for presentation , reports, emails, etc., not only expressions but also the  structure.
                   ← Special lesson 800Pt

Let's make your original text for yourself together (daily situation) 

                   ← Special lesson 600Pt

Beginners (if you want texts, I use “Minna no Nihongo” )
                         ← Special lesson 600Pt

People who want to talk freely about daily life and culture

                        ← Nomal lesson 600Pt

If you find yourself one of these, please read the below.

I have many students for business.
If you need to take my lesson for business, please book from Spesial lesson, "Improvement of your business skills" or "Free writing for business"  ← Click underline, Not free talk.

About myself 


I am working as a researcher at a Japanese company. My job is researching on one’s daily lifestyle for developing everyday items.


My company has many overseas members. I have had a lot of experience teaching them how to compose Japanese presentations, reports, e-mails and practice presentations, and so on.  Since I also have Ph.D., I can teach you how to write authentic reports in Japanese.


I had some opportunities to teach my foreign colleagues Japanese. At the times, I felt that teaching Japanese to foreigners is so fun because they also teaching me something new. Those opportunities made me want to teach them Japanese properly, so I studied and took the qualification of Japanese teacher. Now I am teaching Japanese to my colleagues who are from beginner to intermediate levels.


In my private life, I am a housewife and also a mom. I love cooking for my family and playing tennis on my days off. I also have a qualification of Ikebana tutor. 


From the view point of the native Japanese and a life style researcher, I want to talk about Japanese and foreign customs and culture with foreigners. 

As an orthodox teacher, I would like to help you improve your Japanese skills from a beginner's level to the level in business situation friendly like your colleagues.

 As a casual instructor, I would like to talk freely with themes that matches your needs and our daily life, culture, business, and so on,  like your friend.
I look forward to talking about a wide range of topics from business to daily topics.


My lesson


Basically, I speak Japanese in my lesson.
Let’s speak Japanese a lot!
I can support you in English as needed.
I can give you advice that you aren’t aware of to get your Japanese close to the natural Japanese.
Please request me what you want to study about and talk about, when you make a reservation. I’d like to provide lessons to meet your needs.
I have been studying English and Chinese so far; I know it’s not easy to learn a new language. Thus, I would like to make my lessons understandable and memorable by taking advantage of the experience

Special lesson
Improvement of your business skills(600pt)

Presentation practice
・Business conversation
 .Business call ( for consumer consultation)

After lesson I will send your article in my voice. 

I have many students for business.
If you need to take my lesson for business, please book from Spesial lesson, "Improvement of your business skills" or "Free writing for business"  ← Click underline, Not free talk.

.  電話対応 / お客様対応 電話


ビジネスのレッスンをご希望される生徒さんが多くいらっしゃいます。ビジネス関連のレッスンをご希望される方は、Spesial lesson からのご予約をお願いいたします。

 Free writing for business(800pt)
・I correct of your article for presentation , reports, emails, etc., not only expressions but also the  structure.
Send your document  in advance and in the lesson I correct and explain it. 
( about 800 words)

After lesson I will send your the organized article.

・プレゼンテーション資料(しりょう), レポート, eメールなどの表現(ひょうげん)だけでなく文章構成から修正(しゅうせい)します。
あらかじめ自分の(じぶんで)文書(ぶんしょう)をつくって事前に送ってください。レッスンで添削しながら、説明します。( 800字程度)

Let's make your original text for yourself together (600pt)
Free writing for daily life ~

You are taking 1 to 1 lessons so why not make your own lessons?
The best way to improve your skills, that is input and output.

Capture the scenes in your daily life scene, create your own original text together and practice.
It will be an input and output with natural Japanese expressions.
You can also use it to review after lessons and expand the scenes you can use.

sentence using about 400 words
· Diary
· Expressions daily conversations and events in your life
· Preparation for interviews, etc.
・Explain to others what you want to say   
・Familiar expressions using your weak grammar 

After lesson I will send the article and  my voice  you made . 
・フリー トピック 日記(にっき) あなたのこと

あらかじめ自分(じぶんで)で文書(ぶんしょう)をつくっておいてください。レッスンで添削しながら、文法(ぶんぽう)、表現(ひょうげん)、reading, speaking の練習(れんしゅう)をしましょう。自分(じぶん)の作った(つくった)文章(つくった)(ぶんしょう)なので記憶(きおく)に残り(のこり)ますよ。


せっかく1to1 のレッスンをしているのだから、あなただけのレッスンをしませんか?

あなたの生活シーンの中での場面を切り取って、あなただけのオリジナルのテキストを一緒につくり、練習しましょう。 日本語らしい表現のインプット&アウトプットになります。



★ Improvement of your basic Japanese skills for beginners     (600pt)

We will use textbooks " minna no  nihongo", but let's enjoy studying with original contents.
"It is preferable to have everyone's" minna no  nihongo", but we can handle it even if there is no text.


 ロールプレイ;旅行 (りょこう)、買い物(かいもの)、病院(びょういん)、ホテル など
 ※ あらかじめ​シチュエーションを設定しておきましょう


 Free Talk (600pt)
  Free talk on natural Japanese expressions

Free talk
Topic talk

Let's talk a lot about the theme you want to discuss. We can talk about
a wide range of topics, from business scenes to daily life.
In terms of unnatural expressions and weak points, I type them in the chat box and explain the reason and background as much as possible.



※ Special lesson のご希望を多数いただいています。が、 Free talk とレッスンの予約間違いが多いため、こちらのレッスン料金も600PT にさせていただきました。 ご理解の程よろしくお願いいたします。



    ・Miyuki Sensei is very kind and bright. I am enjoying her class. She has a good understanding of Japanese business language terms. Besides, she has a good command of the scientific terms as well. She always makes difficult things easy to understand by preparing her notes and presentations. Her presentations are quite easy to understand. Miyuki sensei always sends the voice notes of the lesson's main points after the lesson is over. This helps to understand the Japanese pronunciation in a better way. I always get motivated by her hard work.
    ・Very in- tune to my study needs! I'd say of all the teachers I've had on JapaTalk, she was most attentive to how I wanted to use the time to study.
    ・Miyuki sensei was very friendly and helped explained when I didn't understand. We talked about why I want to study and we made goals for next time!




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  • マークは予約よやくできます。予約するときはマークをクリックしてください。
  • カレンダーの上の時間を基準に時刻は表示されています。
  • 時刻は24時間表記です。
  • 通常キャンセルはレッスン開始24時間前まで受け付け可能です。

